Come join us for an evening of fun and entertainment and help us celebrate the official launch of Advantage Boating, the new name for Ottawa Sailing School (OSS).

We’re building upon OSS’s 17 years of serving the boating community. We’ll continue to provide our existing services as well as a few exciting new ones. Our goal is to make boating even more accessible, affordable, and fun for new and experienced boaters alike.

Our festivities will start off with a brief presentation about Advantage Boating and our services – including an introduction to a new, fun, fast, and easy sportboat that we’ve added to our line-up. This will quickly be followed by live entertainment from ‘Acoostic Shooters’, the dynamic duo of Jason Sultan-Khan and Eric Ramsden as they kick it up with their acoustic guitars and powerful vocals.

Local Launch

Bring a friend and come join the party at the Nepean Sailing Club

Friday, November 27, 2009 at 7:30 pm

Friday Night dinner preceeds the launch event at 6:15 pm.  If you wish to attend, See the Menu & reserve on-line!

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