The traditional Stony Point Race is a joint BYC/NSC single day, long distance race up-river and back usually held in August. Stony Point is on the Ontario shore approximately 12 Nm up-river from the start/finish line, past Baskins Beach, and just before the navigable entrance to Constance Bay.

The up-river turning point is usually the MOT green spar (K11) buoy (1/2 mile North of Stony Point) at the entrance to Constance Bay. Approximately twenty five miles of sailing on the Ottawa River makes for a good solid day of racing. So make sure to bring everything you need to be on the water for a day. The Stony Point race forms one of the races in the Interclub Long Distance Series.

Up for grabs is the Genesis Cup trophy for the first NSC PHRF or JAM boat on combined corrected time, plus keepers for the top three boats.

Check the Sailing Instructions or any special notice for additional details.

Written by Ross Ernst, February 27, 2015.

Page updated: 2020-08-02.

27 Feb: RE: File created.
27 Jun: HM: Changed to Added hyperlink to SIs and K11. Corrected spelling of “Stony”; was “Stoney”.
02 Aug: HM: Removed reference to “six” ILD races.
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