As of Sunday, March 2nd, the NSC has transitioned to a new e-mail service provider. This change will resolve the issue of e-mail not being delivered or being bounced back to senders. This change, although providing a more solid platform, involves a period of transition as all of the email addresses that have been used in the past have changed.

There are many individuals and groups at the Club that have ‘@nsc’ email addresses. We are in the process of transitioning the operational email addresses to the new service. Following that, the committee and role based email addresses will also be transitioned to the new service. If you are having any issues sending e-mails to someone in the Club, please notify our Club Manager, Gene Bruce.

Our Web Team has begun reviewing the website for email links in web posts and pages and they will be transitioned over time.

If you come across any web related issues please notify our Webmaster

We regret any inconvenience this change may have caused and we appreciate your support in identifying any issues that you may be facing.

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