Engage and Explore!
Welcome to NSC, where a vibrant lineup of annual events awaits you. Join us throughout the year as we host a variety of exciting gatherings. Whether you’re a newcomer seeking background information or a regular attendee, this list aims to guide you. Stay tuned to NSC’s website for the latest event announcements, which will be published shortly before each occasion.
List of Regularly Scheduled Events
Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list of the events hosted by NSC annually. These occasions bring together our community, offering opportunities for connection, celebration, and discovery. If you’re interested in contributing content or updating any event page, please reach out to the Public Relations Director. We appreciate your valuable contributions!
For an up-to-date listing of all current events, we recommend referring to the NSC Google Calendar. It’s your go-to resource for staying informed about our upcoming happenings.
We invite you to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of NSC’s annual events. Discover new experiences, forge connections, and create lasting memories. Be sure to check our website regularly and mark your calendars for the events that spark your interest. Join us as we celebrate the spirit of community and togetherness at NSC!
- Winter Speakers Series starts (usually January – April)
- Interclub Awards Night
- Iceboating season starts, depending on ice conditions.
- Family Fun Day
- Valentine’s Dinner
- St Paddy’s Day Pub Night (often celebrated on a Friday night)
- Annual Meeting
- Volunteer Celebration Night
- Women in Wind Seminar
- THRASH Party (Thank Heavens Racing And Sailing are Here)
- Launch Day
- Weeknight Racing starts (May – September)
- Nautical Garage Sale
- Mother’s Day Brunch
- New Members’ Night
- Ottawa Skiff & Cat Grand Prix
- Commodore’s Sailpast
- Nepean One-Design Regatta, aka “The NOD”
- Pinhey’s Point Race *
- C&C 27 Raft-ups
- Baskin’s Beach Weekend
- O’Pen Bic Un-Regatta
- Stony Point Race *
- Midnight Madness Race & Corn Roast
- Harbourmaster’s Race
- Single-Handed Race
- Sailing School Awards Banquet
- FANFARE Regatta (FAntastic Nepean FAll REgatta)
- Pig Roast or Hip of Beef Dinner
- 20-Mile Race *
- Frostbite Series – First three Sundays after Weeknight Racing ends.
- Turkey Trot Fun Race & Feast – Thanksgiving Day
- Haul-out
- Halloween Party
- NSC Awards Night
- Annual Meeting (sometimes in December)
- Kids’ Christmas Party
- Fall Information Meeting
* These events are part of the Interclub Long Distance Series.