The NSC Annual General Meeting was held November 1st. The event was kicked off by Glenn Lethbridge, Executive Director, Ontario Sailing (OS), who congratulated NSC on operating an effective sailing club. Glenn then congratulated Ontario’s representative at Canada Summer Games, Aaron Sing-Wong on his medalist achievements. Aaron is an NSC member and Able Sail program participant. Glenn also noted that the Quebec representative and regatta winner, Christine Lavallée, is an NSC member. The contribution of NSC as an Ontario Sailing Provincial Training Centre was recognized with a cheque for $2000. Another $300 was presented for our Olympic program. Ontario Sailing recognition certificates were presented to the following NSC members for their contributions: Peter Bradley, Peter Wood, Christine Searle, Hugh McGugan and Scott Hayley.

The business portion of the meeting included review and approval of the 2012 AGM minutes, Spring Information Meeting minutes, audited financial statements, as well as approval of the Auditors for the coming year. An interim budget was presented and included recognition of the change in operations of our food services. This should provide additional income to the Club. The draft minutes including Directors’ Reports and questions with responses will be posted to shortly.

The 2013-2014 NSC Board of Directors is: (new Directors in bold):

Commodore: Scott Hayley (acclaimed)
Vice Commodore: Brendan Kealey (acclaimed)
Rear Commodore: Corey Glynn (acclaimed)
Fleet Captain: John Blackwood (acclaimed)
Treasurer: Valerie Cherrey (acclaimed)
Board Secretary: Doug Klymyshyn (elected)
Social Director: Randy Wiseman (acclaimed)
Membership Director: Ross Laver (acclaimed)
Public Relations Director: Paul Wagner (acclaimed)
Sail Training/Able Sail Director: Kerri Weller (acclaimed)

Report by Past Board Secretary Ted Eedson.

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