A big “Thank You” to Gene Bruce and all the volunteers who chipped-in to help finish the upgraded board walk and the concrete path leading to the south crane.

If you’ve not been at the Club in the last week, the upgrades to the boardwalk over the service docks have been completed with a new, flatter (!) and wider version.  The last, small segment in front of the pump-house will be done next year.  Am certain to miss someone, but wanted to pass along thank-yous to Jack Cook, Bob Sullivan, Doug Vandervelde and John Connolly as well.

As I mentioned at the AGM, we were able to save enough on the budget for the walkway to install a concrete path that runs from the boardwalk to the south-eastern edge of the south crane pad, the new NSC “Ring Road”.  Was a great suggestion from Gene and will help alleviate pedestrian traffic on the crane pad, reduce the number of people walking on the crane straps as they dry on the boardwalk and also make it a little easier for our able-sailors to navigate around the south crane.

Many thanks to all involved.




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