This page outlines the protest coordination process that takes place once a protest or request for redress (RFR) form is submitted. It also provides generic wording for correspondence, that may be used by the protest coordinators. Other instructions and guidelines for protest committee chairs are available here.

When the protest coordinators receive a protest/RFR form, one of the first things they will do is acknowledge receipt of the form. The generic wording below is applicable to most situations.

Message to acknowledge receipt of protest form:

This message is to acknowledge that the protest that you submitted has been received within the time limit specified in the Sailing Instructions. This protest will likely be heard next week on [day], at NSC, immediately after racing. We will confirm these details with you later. Please ensure that you or your representative, and witnesses, if any, will be available.

Occasionally the protest coordinator(s) will receive a protest/RFR that appears to be invalid. This creates a dilemma for the protest coordinator(s) that is discussed here.

The next step for the protest coordinator(s) is to advise the boat being protested, or the Principal Race Officer (PRO), in the case of a RFR, of the protest/RFR being lodged against them. Again, the generic wording below is applicable to most situations.

Message to protestee informing them of protest against them:

Please find attached a protest filed by [name of protesting boat] which was received [date] by the [NSC/BYC] Protest Coordinator.

It is our normal practice to advise boats being protested that if, after reviewing the protest form and the relevant rules, they decide that they may have broken a rule, they may accept a Post-Race Penalty (PRP), by advising the protest coordinators within 24 hours of being notified that they are being protested. Boats which accept the applicable penalty* may not be further penalized. However, if the collision involved damage, it may be appropriate to hear the protest to establish what rules were broken, and by whom, notwithstanding that one or more boats may have taken a penalty. See reference 1.

Unless the protestor withdraws the protest (that is normal practice when the other boat accepts a penalty and there is no damage), this protest will likely be heard next week on [day], at [NSC/BYC], immediately after racing. We will confirm these details with you later. Please confirm that you or your representative, and witnesses, if any, will be available.

Please acknowledge receipt of this message at your earliest opportunity.

* Normally the applicable penalty is 30%, in accordance with SI 16.2(b) and RRS 44.3(c). However, per RRS 44.1(b), if a boat caused injury or serious damage, then her penalty shall be to retire. If a boat accepts a post-race penalty, and the protest committee later determines that there was injury or serious damage, the protest committee will apply a penalty of Retired After Finishing (RAF).

If the protested boat accepts a PRP, see the Post-Race Penalty page. Otherwise, the protest coordinator(s) shall then reserve a suitable room and arrange for a protest committee to hear the protest/RFR. The protest coordinator will then send a message to the effect of the following, to the protest committee members and parties involved:

Message to all parties confirming time and location of hearing:

Per previous e-mail messages, the attached protest concerns an incident in Race #X of the [Womens/PHRF Div 3/JAM/etc.] series, held on [date]. This protest will be heard in the [Sailing Room/Board Room] at [NSC/BYC] on [day], [date], immediately following racing. If racing is cancelled, the hearing will not begin before 7:00 p.m. Please ensure that a representative of your boat is present, as well as any witness(es) you may wish to call.

The protest committee will consist of the following:

For information on protest coordination, see

After the protest/RFR has been heard, the protest committee chair will provide the protest coordinators with a written copy of the decision. The protest coordinator(s) will then forward a copy of the decision to the parties involved, and will coordinate with the appropriate scorers to ensure that any necessary scoring changes are implemented.

Reference 1: Sail Canada article on Protests, Collisions & Insurance.

Return to the Protest Procedures page.

Elizabeth Pattey & Hugh Morrin, 2022 Protest Coordinators.

Page updated: 2022-08-06.

Update log
05 Dec: HM: Added Gerry McGrath’s name.
12 May: DS: new room booking link.
15 Jul: HM: reworded to consider post-race penalties.
01 Dec: HM: replaced Gerry with Elizabeth.

2022-08-06, HM: Updated SI reference for PRPs from 20.6(b) to 16.2(b). Corrected reference to RRS 44.1(a) to RRS 44.1(b).
Removed link to SR Room Booking calendar. Updated publish date – was 2013-11-09.