In preparation for winter storage, many of you will be pulling your masts over the next few weeks.

NSC’s preference is that you store your mast with your boat although we realize this might not always be possible.  If you do, please keep a few of these points in mind:

  1. First, if you pull your mast and plan to lay the mast on the boat for the next few weeks until the boat is hauled, please ensure that your mast doesn’t block the dock or the channel.
  2. Protect your expensive mast-head gizmos – even the VHF antennas.
  3. Be sure that your mast is secure, properly tied down to your boat.
  4. Lastly, If your mast is simply too long for safe overhangs, your winter cover is not set up for mast storage, you should consider using one of NSC’s mast racks.  Pick up a tag from the Office and please make sure that it is visible on your mast in the rack.

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