A revised version of the membership policy is available on-line. The most important change relates to the setting of membership fees.

The previous policy stated that Adult and Family members aged 65 and older were entitled to a 25 percent discount on membership fees‎. The revised policy simply states that fees and discounts can be adjusted from time to time by the Board. This accords with the Board’s decision to phase out the Seniors’ discount over three years beginning with the 2014 membership year (commencing November 1, 2013). The discount will be 15 percent in 2014, 10 percent in 2015 and 0 in 2016.

Separately, the Board decided to implement a 25 percent discount for Adult and Family members under age 35, to take effect in the 2015 membership year.

These decisions reflect the fact that our membership is aging and that more needs to be done to attract younger members. For more information, see the article on pages 8-9 of the January-February Telltale and the minutes of the Spring Information Meeting.

Ross Laver,
NSC Membership Director.

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