This page contains tips, user guides and instruction about various NSC.CA applications, setups, environments, etc.





Member Access – Force Login

Office Stuff

Weather Station

See also

Page updated: 2022-07-03.

Update log
19 Mar: HM:
Added this update log; most recent previous update was done be Webmaster (DS) on 2015-02-26.
Added link to
Changed format for “Bluebook” and “Members’ Email List” so they’re no longer “headings”.
31 Jan: HM: Changed title. Deleted link to Event & Regatta Reports. Added link to
Reorganized content.
15 May: DS: made page password protected.
17 May: DS: changed changing-a-wordpress-user-password URL.
18 May: DS: moved BOX.COM instructions from this page to the “how to wordpress posts and pages” page, and move UME link to this page.
08 Mar: DS: updated the Bluebook-update links.
28 Jun: DS: commented out the Posts/UME details as we no longer use UME.


2021-08-23, DS: Commented out the reservation system (no longer in use), added Weather Station BOX link.
2021-03-15, DS: Added Member Access – Force Login section.
2021-08-24, HM: Added note below. Reset publish date, which was 2013. Reordered update log. Deleted reference to Members’ Email List.
Other editorial edits.

2022-07-03, HM: Updated link to how-to-wordpress (shortened permalink).

NOTE: Update the publish date and time when updating page.

Page maintained by Public Relations