The 2013-2016 Racing Rules of Sailing are available for purchase from the NSC office. Ditto for fleet flags and protest flags. The Sail Canada Rule Books are $21.00; the fleet flags and protest flags are $10 each. All prices include all taxes.

The 2013-2016 RRS are also available in electronic format (see link from the NSC Racing page), but there’s no substitute to having a paper copy. Quantities are limited.

The required fleet flags are as posted in the Sailing Instructions, but for easy reference, the fleet break-downs are copied below. To check what fleet you’re racing in, see the list of Race Registrants.

    Women’s Racing:

    • Division A: No flag
    • Division B: Green

    Tuesday PHRF*:

    • Division 1 (0–165): Orange
    • Division 2 (166-216): Green
    • Division 3 (217+): Blue
    • * Some exceptions apply.

    Thursday JAM:

    • A Fleet (0–192): Black
    • B Fleet (193-239): Yellow
    • C Fleet (240+): White

    Long Distance/Up-River Races:

    • As per the above, depending on whether you’re racing with, or without, your spinnaker (i.e. PHRF or JAM).

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