The harbour is now open! See this message from our Harbourmaster. If you are launching with the commercial cranes May 4th, please ensure your boat is on the Launch List – and if you are in the Launch area and not on the list – or if your boat is over 10,000 pounds and not in the launch area, please call the office right away so we can get you on the list.

View the Launch List  

If you aren’t using the commercial cranes on Launch day, please be aware of the Launch activity and respect the people under the hard hats – they are volunteers. You will be allowed in the yard (without vehicles) but must stay clear of the Launch area and will not be able to use the wells. No vehicles are allowed in the yard after 7:00 a.m. Saturday morning and the gates will remain closed until the cranes leave after Launch. Also, if you aren’t using the commercial cranes on Launch day and your boat is in the Launch area, please have it removed prior to May 4th or you will be charged for us to move it out of the way.


Here’s a schedule of events leading up to and after Launch Day May 4th 2013:

Friday May 3rd – Crane Alleys must be cleared – commercial cranes come into the yard

Saturday May 4th – Launch Day – Yard will be closed to all vehicles while cranes are in the yard.

Sunday May 5th – all cradles must be collapsed in preparation for cradle storage

Monday May 6th – Cradle storage – Yard will be closed for all other activities

Friday May 10th – all keel & power boats must be cleared from the Dinghy Parks rows P, Q & R

Saturday May 11th – Dinghy Park Re-work – work party for the re-alignment of the dinghy rows in preparation for the 2013 sailing season

Saturday May 18th – Dinghy Park Opening – dinghies moved to assigned spots, dinghy park opens for assigned dinghy spots

Saturday May 18th – Trailer Launch Opening – area cleared to allow for the Trailer Launch boats to move to their assigned spots

Saturday May 4th – Launch will start at 0800 hours (8:00 A.M.). Skippers and crew are expected to be there, on time, to make sure that your boat is launched properly and then motored carefully away to your appointed berth. Launch will be coordinated as usual by the radio crews who will be using Channel 10 on Family Radio Service (FRS) radios. If you have your own FRS radio, please bring it along to launch and while you are waiting, listen in to where we are and who we are looking for.


There will be several small work parties to occupy waiting skippers so bring gloves, basic tools & be prepared to work outside.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility. On Launch Day, please keep your eyes open for potential safety issues and report them to a crew member ASAP (anyone with a hard hat). Unless you are part of the Launch crew, please stay outside the yellow tape.


Before launch day to do list:

  1. Ensure your launch fee is paid – no pay, no lift. (check the club notice board or the web for the launch list)
  2. Make sure all boat work is completed before launch day – that means no bottom painting or keel work on launch day. Ensure all thru-hull fittings are closed.
  3. Put the outboard on the boat before the day of launch – no vehicles will be allowed in the yard on launch day.
  4. Check your engine to make sure it’s in working condition and that you have fuel aboard. Antifreeze should be out of your motor before launch, collected and properly disposed of in accordance with the Harbour Environmental Policy.
  5. Attach bow and stern lines to one side (the same side) of the vessel. The lines should be at least 8 metres (25 feet) long.
  6. Your vessel should be marked to indicate where the lifting straps should be placed.
  7. Fenders should be attached to make sure that your highly polished hull doesn’t scrape against the dock.
  8. Make sure that your name and boat name are painted on your cradle as this will make finding it for Haul-out that much easier.


Launch day to do list:

  1. Be there early – You and your crew should be on site by 0800 hours (earlier if you are first to launch). Register with the radio crew in the clubhouse.
  2. When you are called, report to the staging area on the road behind the launch area – Look for the security hard hats. For safety’s sake – please stay out of the launch area (behind the yellow tape) you will be escorted to the dock area by a security crew.
  3. Once your boat is in the water, get on board, start that engine, and motor safely away to your berth. If your engine won’t start, there will be tugs to move you to your berth.
  4. All folding cradles must be folded by the Monday morning after launch – don’t wait until Monday because the cradle moving crews start early. You can do this Saturday – but you must wait until the cranes leave and the yard is reopened. Take your blocks & pads home.
  5. One more item: Launch is run completely by volunteers – a thank-you goes a long way

Early on the Monday morning after launch – May 6th, volunteer crews will begin moving cradles and placing them in summer storage – You must have your cradle folded prior to the crews starting. Note: if the volunteer crew folds it, then you will be billed.


The yard will be closed daytime Monday May 6th – no vehicles or people!!!!!!!!!!!


In addition, all keelboats, powerboats and trailers must be cleared from both the launch area and the Drysail Park before Saturday May 12th, 2013 as the dinghy sailors need to set up their area for the sailing season on that weekend. Note: this is your responsibilityif the club moves it, it will cost you.

See you there on Launch Day, bright and early Saturday morning, May 4th If, for some reason, the weather is really lousy, the back up date will be Sunday May 5th. Please watch the NSC web site and check for posters in the club.


Randy Wiseman
Launch Coordinator

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