NSC is introducing a new pricing policy this spring that will affect non-member visitors to our club. We encourage members and non-members to familiarize themselves with these new procedures.

This spring, NSC introduced a new photo ID membership card to replace the cardboard membership cards issued in previous years. Effective June 1, 2013, Bar and Galley patrons who show valid proof of membership in NSC (or any other Sail Canada-affiliated club) will be eligible for a 10% discount off the posted price of food orders from the NSC Galley. Participants in NSC-hosted regattas, as well as friends and family members traveling with them, will also pay NSC member prices. All other patrons will pay the full posted price and will also be assessed a $5 facilities fee on food or beverage orders. (The fee will be charged per bill, rather than per order, so customers who run a tab will pay the charge only once per visit.) An NSC member who opens a tab may order on behalf of his or her non-member guests, at member prices and without incurring the facilities charge.

Good news!  Non-members who decide to purchase a membership will be entitled to a rebate equal to the facilities charges they have paid in the current year, provided they keep their itemized receipts from the Bar and Galley.

Why are we doing this?

NSC members pay close to $1 million a year in membership dues and mooring fees to maintain and operate the club. That includes rent paid to both the City of Ottawa and the Federal Government, the cost of staffing, and funding for programs that benefit youth, disabled sailors, and the wider community. On top of that, members annually volunteer the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of their time. Without their contributions, NSC would not exist.

We encourage non-members to consider the many benefits of NSC membership. The current cost of an adult crewing/social membership is just $147 a year plus HST – a small price to pay to enjoy our club’s year-round programs, events and high-quality facilities.

To become a member, simply call our office during regular business hours at 613-829-6462 or email nsc-admin@nsc.ca.

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