New Members’ Night, as its name suggests, is a special evening to welcome our new members to the club, and to highlight some of what NSC has to offer. NSC is one of the biggest sailing clubs in Canada with a busy and varied racing program, an active sailing school, extensive cruising opportunities, social events year-round, a popular speakers’ program, club dinners and much, much more.

Held each spring, usually a few weeks after club launch, the evening involves a welcome and a few very short presentations from a few Club Directors, with information of particular interest to new members. Afterwards, there’s an opportunity to mingle, ask more questions, and socialize. Appetizers are served, and the bar is open.

Existing members, whether they joined NSC recently or have been members for years, are invited to come on down and help us make our newest members feel welcome, and share in their pride of our fine club. New Members’ Night is a great opportunity to meet some of your fellow club members, make new friends, get answers to your questions and find out more about sailing on the Ottawa River.