Important notices for NSC members:

Saturday October 20: Dinghy Park Closes
Norm Dafoe will be organizing volunteers to prepare the Dinghy Park for closure on October 20th. By then, your boat should either be “packed” in to the Park’s winter configuration or stored outside the Yard. The area of the Dinghy Park west of the main lane and North of the North Crane needs to be fully cleared of trailers, tenders, dollys: any and all member’s equipment.

Sunday October 21: Trailer Launch Areas Close
The Dry-Sail Trailer launch areas will be closed. By 10am this day, all Dry-Sail boats should be moved to their storage locations: either on the East side of the Yard (if you already have in-Yard) storage or outside the Yard (if not).

Sunday October 21: Lay Out for commercial haul-out cradles
Volunteer crews will need access to the entire North-West corner of the Yard (West of the Main Lane, North of the South Crane) to arrange the storage pattern for the cradles used for Commercial Haul-Out on October 27. This part of the Yard must be cleared of member’s equipment and will be roped-off. No vehicles in the area.

Monday October 22: Commercial Cradle placement
Volunteer crews will be using heavy equipment to place Commercial Haul-Out cradles in the Yard. Access to the Yard will be prohibited until the crews finish, perhaps as early as 2pm. Both cranes will be inaccessible. Land access to W dock will not be possible until layout work is complete. No one including service providers will be allowed into the yard.

Saturday October 27: Commercial Haulout
Two commercial cranes will be on-site all day and Volunteers will be storing approximately 100 boats. During this time, there will be no vehicle access in the Yard and access to the Commercial Haul Out area will only be permitted to owners as their boat is put in its cradle.

There will be major Season-Closing Work Parties for all members so come join us by 9 am by the bar.

Saturday November 10: Harbour Close
Volunteers will be closing the Harbour (including pump-out) by moving sections of the docks attached to the Harbour walls. During this time, there is no access to either Crane and we hope that your boat has been stored for Winter

The Yard Plan is for your guidance and illustrates where your equipment can be stored. If you haven’t arranged for storage in the yard, please make sure that you remove your equipment promptly after hauling out your boat.

Parke Davis
Nepean Sailing Club

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