The Community Stewardship Council of Lanark County, is currently in the second year of a two year American Eel monitoring project. The project began in 2011 on the Mississippi River and continues in 2012 with focus on the Ottawa River . The objective of the project is to determine presence, abundance, and timing of migration of American Eel and will also provide data on Lake Sturgeon .

The American Eel is an important ecosystem component where it inhabits Ontario ’s freshwaters. American Eel species mature in freshwater then return to an oceanic environment to spawn. It has a unique and complicated life history. All freshwater occurring American Eel populations are part of a single breeding population that only reproduces in the Sargasso Sea, located in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean .

In response to a steep population decline, the Ontario Government cancelled all commercial and recreational fishing of the American Eel in 2004 and the eel is now considered endangered under Ontario ’s Species at Risk list. Their complex life history makes them susceptible to a number of factors including climate change, pollution, habitat loss, and manmade physical barriers such as dams (OMNR, 2009). The information gathered in this project will help industry and government agencies to work collaboratively to find solutions to safe eel passage.

We are looking for assistance from local boaters, fishermen and residents that may have information regarding sightings of eel that would supplement our data. Any information is extremely helpful and can be directed to our Project Leader, Jane McCann, at (613) 267-4200 ext. 3401.

The Lanark Community Stewardship Council is composed of volunteers who are both prominent and active in the community and represent the diverse groups of landowners and activities carried out in it. The Council promotes stewardship and sustainability and has supported approximately 400 projects since its inception in 1995, most related to broad social and environmental goals.

Our Stewardship Council acknowledges the assistance for this project was provided by the Government of Ontario.

For more information, please contact:
Community Stewardship Council of Lanark County
Jeff Ward, Coordinator
613-267-4200, ext. 3401
jeff.ward at

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