We have been enjoying a fair amount of media attention over the past few days.  In addition to John Hancock’s daily reports on CBC Radio’s “Ottawa Morning” show, CBC TV, Radio-Canada, and the Ottawa Sun have been by. Stu Mills also did a great piece on Tuesday’s Ottawa Morning show, in which he interviewed Ottawa athlete Jodi Hore (well done Jody!).   Here are the links to the reports we’ve seen so far. We’ll keep adding to the list as we collect the reports.


CTV News Report: WATCH:Hitting the water for the Mobility Cup


CBC TV News report: http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/Canada/Ottawa/ID/2278541950/


Stu Mills interview with Jodi Hore:http://www.cbc.ca/player/Shows/ID/2278220699/


Ottawa Sun coverage:  http://www.ottawasun.com/2012/09/12/mobility-cup-regatta-sets-sail


Click and enjoy.  And please make sure to email the CBC at some point and thank them for covering sailing.  The more coverage of this sort that we can get, the better for the sport overall.


Lastly, our City Councillors, who participated in Monday’s Opening Ceremony, also Tweeted about the event, and posted a few pictures of their own:



The last link has a few photos from the event.

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