The Pump-Out system is turned off at night and back on in the morning. If you happen to need pumping out before Staff arrives:

  1. Ensure all four service dock hydrant valves are in the OFF position (horizontal); if not, turn valves clockwise to turn off.
  2. Turn big red switch on pump control box to ON. Don’t touch anything else. The pump will first evacuate the storage tank, then pump up the correct Vacuum for operation all by itself!

If system is already ON, follow these steps. Note: All “hydrant” valves should be in the OFF (horizontal) position at all times except when in use as follows.

A. Connect hose of your choice to “Hydrant” of your choice.

A-1: If using the gas pump style soft connector: For your boat fitting you can now turn the “hydrant” valve ON by turning to vertical (counterclockwise). Place soft connector firmly in boat’s pump-out opening and pull the lever. Hold until pump is empty and a bit longer. Take soft connector off and away from boat. Turn connector skyward and again squeeze lever, hold a few seconds until you see the hose go empty (it will be very obvious). This will allow the system to evacuate the hose and header leaving no surprises for the next guest!


A-2: If using the standard screw in deck connector: First, ensure valve on hose end (boat end) is in the off position. Then connect hose to screwed in deck connector. Then turn hydrant valve to the ON position (counterclockwise to vertical). Open valve at boat end of hose to empty tank. When tank is empty, turn the valve on the boat end of hose to OFF. Remove hose from deck fitting, carefully remove from fitting and turn hose end up and open valve for a few seconds until you see the hose go empty (it will be very obvious). This will allow the system to evacuate the hose and header leaving no surprises for the next guest!


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